Looks like Pavel Durov was busy with new updates and just started playing Hamster Kombat! Pavel, please, keep in mind that upgrading your cards and …
POSITIVE PERCEPTION CX (Customer Experience) design is intended to improve th…
😁 POSITIVE PERCEPTION 😁 🤓 CX (Customer Experience) design is intended to improve the quality of your customers’ interaction with your project at absolutely all …
NEW LEVEL ALERTHey CEOs! Hamster Kombat was born on Telegram, a place that driv…
🔔NEW LEVEL ALERT🔔 Hey CEOs! 🐹 Hamster Kombat was born on Telegram, a place that drives mass adoption of the web3 world for millions of …
50,000,000 FOLLOWERS ON TELEGRAM 50,000,000 members! Can you imagine how hug…
🎉 50,000,000 FOLLOWERS ON TELEGRAM 🎉 🤯 50,000,000 members! Can you imagine how huge this number is? 🐹 It’s just incredible that you and I, …
Hey there, Hamsters! Join us for our 2-hour Hip-Chill-Hop Stream! Come relax a…
Hey there, Hamsters! 🐹🎧 Join us for our 2-hour Hip-Chill-Hop Stream! 🎵 Come relax and enjoy smooth ham-tastic beats and Ham-bient tunes. Our club is …
Satoshi Nakamoto decided to remain anonymous because it wasn’t about them. It …
Satoshi Nakamoto decided to remain anonymous because it wasn’t about them. It was about the industry and community. 🐹So did we🐹 Who we are, what …
NEW EXCHANGE ALERT Hey, СEOs! We are excited to announce that we’re adding o…
💥 NEW EXCHANGE ALERT 💥 🔔 Hey, СEOs! We are excited to announce that we’re adding one more exchange to the game, and you can …
Hey CEOswe are aware of the issues with the Hamster Kombat app, and are working …
🐹Hey CEOs🐹 we are aware of the issues with the Hamster Kombat app, and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible🙏 View Source
THE GAME IS BACK ON! We fixed the issues so you can now continue managing your …
🐹 THE GAME IS BACK ON! 🐹 We fixed the issues so you can now continue managing your exchange ‼️ To start your game you …
It was a tough day for all CEOsCheck our latest YouTube video!…
It was a tough day for all CEOsCheck our latest YouTube video! View Source